Last February we held our 1st Blessed Is She Brunch. About 40 women of all ages gathered in the Angelorum for food, conversation and fun. A great time was had by all! For more information on future BIS events, contact Natasha Hanneman. More information on Blessed Is She is found here:
Ray's Breakfast Club is a group for men who go out for breakfast the 3rd Wednesday of every month. They rotate between different area restaurants each month, usually meeting at 9:00 am.
Marlene's Breakfast Club is a group of women who go out for breakfast the 3rd Wednesday of every month. They rotate between different area restaurants each month, usually meeting at 9:00 am.
Check the bulletin for the location of the breakfast each month. We'd love to have you join!
Every Wednesday during Lent we host a soup supper that is open to the public. People look forward to the Soup Suppers each year. The menu is different each week, with food being served in the school cafeteria from 4:15 pm - 6:30 pm. If you are interested in volunteering for one of the Soup Suppers, please contact the parish office.
The Men's Club is a group open to all men of the parish in order to form community and fellowship among the men for personal fulfillment and to support the enrichment of our parish and community.
Pizza Nights take place one Saturday a month at 5:30 pm in the school cafeteria. We unite as a parish to eat, socialize, and build community. Homemade pizza is served, sometimes along with a taco bar, salad and ice cream bar. The school gym is open for kids to play and have fun. Occasionally we have live entertainment. People of all ages get out, dance, and have a great time! If you would like to volunteer in any way, contact Deacon Tom Tierney, Coordinator for Pizza Nights.
The Peace Makers Quilting Group is a group for those who share the love of quilting. Members meet every Thursday at 1 pm in the Parish Center Patio Room to work on quilting projects and to socialize with one another.